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Welcome to Squintillions! Please join me in exploring the world of personal finance and personal growth.

I’ll be sharing my experiences in managing and investing money. Follow along as I try out investing through different companies and explore various types of investments in the 2019 Grow Your Dough Challenge. Learn about my efforts to reach my financial goals as I attempt to earn Squintillions of Dollars via alternative methods to the typical 9 to 5 job. All of this and more is available in the Personal Finance section.

Money: US Paper Bills and Coins
Exploring Personal Finance: Saving and Investing

Are you a driver or a passenger in your own life? I’m a dedicated believer in life-long education. There is always something new to be learned to help you live your best life. I’ll be sharing methods and tips I’ve found useful to help you take active control over your life and make it more meaningful and satisfying.

Continue on to the Personal Growth section for transformative information and stories. Please share your own goals and experiences in the comments. Let’s all learn from each other!

The Grand Canyon at sunset, taken from the South Rim near Mather Point, looking toward the North Rim.
Exploring Personal Growth: Achieve Your Life Goals

Disclosure: Information shared on Squintillions is based on the author’s own experiences, thought processes, and research and is not intended as professional advice. Please do your own research before committing to any investment! If you feel your personal challenges are beyond the scope of my suggestions or other self-help materials, please seek professional counseling. Further, there are some affiliate links and ads used in this website. If you purchase an item when following these links, I may receive a commission on your purchase.