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Status Update for Squintillions and Shout Out!

Summer is here! What does that mean for Squintillions? It means my children are out of school and home with me all day and it is much more challenging to make any videos for the Squintillions YouTube channel.

You know what is awesome though? I got a shout out from one of my favorite personal finance video influencers, Joseph Hogue, on his channel “Let’s Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA.” We are both doing the Grow Your Dough challenge and he referenced my previous Grow Your Dough update video. Check out his video here:

Unforunately, my Sony RX100 VI camera that I shoot my videos with was damaged recently in a bad hand off accident. Imagine people running the 400 meter relay and someone drops the baton. Yeah, like that. It still can take pictures and make videos, but the ability to zoom in fully on the video was effected. The pop up flash and the pop up eye viewer were also broken. Amazingly, the screen on the camera was not broken, though the body of the camera was slightly dented. Thankfully, I had taken out the extra protection policy on it when I bought it. I am waiting for it to get back from the shop so I can make more videos.

I’m holding off on making my next Grow Your Dough video until I get my camera back, but if I don’t have it back by mid-July, I’ll put together something with video on my phone and some computer screen recording. I can’t wait to share this update! Some interesting things going on in my designated Grow Your Dough Challenge accounts, plus we’ll look at how my newest account with M1 Finance is doing.

Things will likely be quiet in the personal finance section of Squintillions during the second half of July when I take my summer vacation to the opposite coast. (You better believe I’m making the most of my travel rewards on my credit cards!) However, I may squeeze in some personal growth updates from the road, as I find traveling is a great time for self reflection.

In the meantime, I hope everyone in the Northern Hemisphere is making the most of these longer hours of daylight and enjoying the current upswing in the U.S. markets. Be well!