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Personal Growth

Planning Your Life and Dreams Videos

Planning Your Life and Dreams: Top 10 Tips to Achieve Your Goals — Check out the videos I have created based on my favorite principles from Jack Canfield’s book “The Success Principles.” Includes a summary of the principles, actionable ideas, and my personal thoughts and experiences. A few of the topics discussed are: finding your purpose, goal setting, taking action, handling fear, and persevering.

Planning Your Life and Dreams: Top 10 Tips to Achieve Your Goals

Planning Your Life and Dreams: Top 10 Tips to Achieve Your Goals — Based on my favorite chapters from Jack Canfield’s book “The Success Principles.” Includes a summary of the principles, actionable ideas, and my personal thoughts and experiences. A few of the topics discussed are: finding your purpose, goal setting, taking action, handling fear, and persevering.

Decide What You Want: Make an “I Want” List

What do you REALLY want? It’s time to figure out what you want out of life. Follow the exercise I’ve explained to reveal your true desires. I’ve shared my own wants as an example to stimulate your thought process.

WordPress Conference Report – What I Learned at WordCamp Orange County 2019

On April 27 and 28, 2019, I attended WordCamp Orange County 2019 in order to learn more about effectively using WordPress for my blogs. There was so much for me to learn as someone who started as a hobbyist blogger and is now trying to expand my original blog into something much more substantial. This article is specifically aimed at those beginner bloggers.

Why Saying No is Difficult, but Necessary

Saying no to other people can be a difficult thing to do. I’m talking about my own experience with this issue and how I reached the conclusion to start consciously saying no to requests that don’t serve my interests . We all need to create limits with others to keep from becoming overworked and to stay in control of our lives.

Squintillions Launch!

Welcome to my blog, Squintillions. This was my first entry, just to get the ball rolling. I’m blogging about personal finance and personal growth. Read and learn from my experiences!